Hargeysa-19-01-2025-(Warbaahinta Madaxtooyada)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdillaahi (Cirro), ayaa maanta kormeer shaqo ku tegay xarunta taliska guud ee ciidanka Booliska, waxana halkaas kusoo dhaweeyey taliyaha ciidanka Booliska, sarreeye gaas Maxamed Aadan Saqadhi (Dabagale).
Ugu horrayn, Madaxweynuhu waxa uu salaan Sharaf ka qaatay cutub katirsan ciidanka Booliska Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, isaga oo kormeer ku sameeyey waaxaha kala duwan ee uu talisku ka kooban yahay.
Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdilaahi (Cirro) oo khudbad dhinacyo kala duwan taabanaysa halkaas ka jeediyey, ayaa ugu horrayn bogaadiyey dedaalka iyo naf-hurnimada ciidanka Booliska, waxana uu sharraxay ujeeddada kormeerkiisa maanta, waxana uu yidhi,“Waxa aan u socday inaan xogogaal u noqdo duruufaha iyo xaaladaha ciidanka ee wax-ka-qabashada u baahan iyo inaan dhegaysto talooyinkiinna iyo tilmaamaha aad ku darsanaysaan geeddiga isbeddelka iyo dib u habaynta ciidanka.”
Madaxweynuhu waxa uu ku dheeraaday ahmiyadda ciidanka Booliska iyo kaalinta uu bulshada kaga jiro waxana u uku tilmaamay hay’ad laf-dhabar u ah qaranka, “Boolisku waa waxa uu ka mid yahay hay’adaha halbowlaha u ah ammaanka muwaadinka, waana xubinta fulisa sharciga oo ah udub-dhexaadka dawladnimada, waxana jirta Odhaah caan ah oo tidhaahda, Boolisku waa saaxiibka daweynaha, waxana aan rajeynayaa inuu dhaqankaasi kamid noqdo dhaqanka Booliska Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland,” ayuu yidhi madaxweyne Cabdiraxmaan Cirro
Madaxweyne Cabdiraxmaan Cirro waxa uu mar kale si cad u sheegay inuu fulin doono ballanqaadkiisii dhinaca daryeelka iyo ilaalinta agabka ciidanka Booliska iyo tayeyntoodaba, waxana uu yidhi, “Xukuumaddu waxay fulin doontaa ballantii aannu ku qaadnay inaanu wax ka beddelno noloshiinna, islamarkaana aanu horumarinno aqoontiinna iyo qalabkiinnaba, si loo kordhiyo awooddiinna fulinta sharciga iyo awooddiinna gabagalka iyo baadhista casriga ah.Waxa aad ciidamada qaranka kala mid noqon doontaan mushahar-kordhinta Boqolkiiba laba Boqol iyo Konton ee xukuumaddu fulin doonto muddo-xileedkeeda koowaad, sidoo kale, idinka iyo carruurtiinnuba waxa aad lacag la’aan ku heli doontaan daryeel caafimaad iyo waxbarasho dawladdu idin siiso, waxana aanu abuuri doonnaa jawi badqab oo aad ku shaqayn kartaan iyo dhawrsanaan sharci oo aan la idinku dhibaatayn Karin xilliga aad ku jirtaan waajibaadkiinna.”
Madaxweynuhu isaga oo hadalkiisa sii wata waxa uu intaas ku daray, “intaas oo jirta haddana marnaba lagama tegi doono isla xisaabtanka iyo in laga hortago xadgudub kasta oo muwaadinka kasoo gaadhi kara ciidanka, waxana aannu aaminsanahay in dib u habayn lagu sameeyo ciidamada Booliska si kor loogu qaado xirfadaha kala duwan ee Booliska, taas oo lagama maarmaan u ah nabadgelyada iyo badbaadada bulshadeenna.”
Ugu dambayntii, waxa uu kula dardaarmay inay bulshadooda ugu adeegaan sida ugu xilkasnimada badan, badqabadka iyo ammaanka shacabkana dhawraan.
Wa-bilaahi Tawfiiq
Press Releases:
The President of the Republic of Somaliland Inspects Police Headquarters
The President of the Republic of Somaliland, His Excellency Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi (Irro), conducted an official visit today to the General Headquarters of Somaliland Police Force. Upon arrival, he was warmly received by the Police Commissioner, Major General Mohamed Adan Saqadhi (Dabagale).
The President began his visit by receiving an official salute from a unit of the Somaliland Police Force. He then toured the various departments within the headquarters to gain insight into their operations.
In a comprehensive speech delivered during the visit, President Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi (Irro) commended the dedication and sacrifices of the police force. He also explained the purpose of his visit, stating:
“I came here to gain firsthand understanding of the challenges and conditions faced by the police that require immediate attention. I also wanted to listen to your advice and suggestions on how we can collectively advance police reforms and improvements.”
The President pointed out the vital role of the police in society, describing them as a cornerstone of the nation:
“The police are a critical institution responsible for ensuring the security of citizens. They are the enforcers of the law, a pillar of governance. There is a well-known saying, ‘The police are the friend of the public,’ and I hope this principle becomes an integral part of the culture of the #Somaliland Police Force.”
President Abdirahman Irro reaffirmed his administration’s commitment to enhancing the welfare, resources, and training of the police force. He declared:
“The government will honor its promise to improve your living conditions, provide you with better training, and equip you with modern tools to strengthen your law enforcement capabilities. During the first term of this administration, your salaries will be increased by 250%. Additionally, both you and your families will receive free healthcare and education provided by the government. We are committed to creating a safe working environment where you can perform your duties without fear of legal harassment or undue interference.”
The President also stressed the importance of accountability and preventing misconduct within the police force:
“While we are committed to these improvements, accountability will remain a priority. We will take firm steps to prevent any abuse of power or harm to citizens by the police. Reforming the police force to enhance its professionalism and skills is essential for maintaining the safety and security of our society.”
Lastly, the President urged the police to serve their communities with integrity and professionalism, to prioritize public safety, and to uphold the rule of law in all their duties.
Hussein Adan Igeh (Deyr)
Spokesman for the President of the Republic of Somaliland